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Sam Barbagallo
Based on 22 reviews
Director and Recruitment Specialist at Vroom Vroom Recruitment
Melbourne, Victoria 3000


About Me

The labour market has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. More than ever, jobseekers are looking for meaningful careers in organisations that do more than produce widgets or provide services. These days, employee...
The labour market has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades. More than ever, jobseekers are looking for meaningful careers in organisations that do more than produce widgets or provide services. These days, employees need to know organisations have the best interests of the planet and the local community at heart. They want to feel part of a bigger cause, a larger community, an organisation with a higher purpose. Similarly, employers realise that employees with a tick-a-box mentality are prone to churn and burn habits and conduct their human interactions with little care or concern for the welfare of others. This results in cold work places that are unproductive and difficult to manage. My two decades of experience in recruitment and human resources has taught me over and over to take the time initially with both employers and jobseekers to ensure the right cultural fit for each. In particular, the automotive sector sees a high percentage of people with specialist skills and the employers who require them. It’s a privilege to be able to assist both parties to find each other in what is undoubtedly a turbulent time for this industry. I’ve enjoyed tracking the careers and company growth of my clients and know they are all making substantial inroads on making their workplaces healthy and happy places to produce great outcomes.
Sam Barbagallo Awards
Best Recruiter Automotive / Auto Parts, VIC

Best Recruiter - Automotive / Auto Parts, VIC