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Ashley Bayley
Based on 26 reviews
Talent Acquisition Specialist at Prospero Teaching New Zealand
Christchurch, New Zealand 8011


Education & Child Care

About Me

I have been with Prospero Teaching since 2020 working as a talent acquisition specialist. I work directly with unqualified teachers, teachers-in-training and experienced teachers, universities and also organisations that offer opp...
I have been with Prospero Teaching since 2020 working as a talent acquisition specialist. I work directly with unqualified teachers, teachers-in-training and experienced teachers, universities and also organisations that offer opportunities for teachers to grow and develop as professionals. My background: I have a degree in Early Childhood Education and specialised in infant and toddler learning and well-being. I have passion and knowledge for my role from having several years of experience in the early childhood industry and additional experience in the recruitment field. I am here to support you with your career in education!
Ashley Bayley Awards
Agency Of The Year Education & Child Care, NZ

Agency Of The Year - Education & Child Care, NZ

Recruiter Of The Year Education & Child Care, NZ

Recruiter Of The Year - Education & Child Care, NZ