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ALRA Recruitment

Based on 144 reviews
Sydney, New South Wales 2088

About Us

ALRA Recruitment is a remote-first Recruitment Agency where consultants are Partners in the business instead of employees for the company. Why does this matter? When you allow someone to seize true control of their career & ma...
ALRA Recruitment is a remote-first Recruitment Agency where consultants are Partners in the business instead of employees for the company. Why does this matter? When you allow someone to seize true control of their career & make their own decisions, when targets, KPIs and quotas are stripped away, what is left is relationships. Realistic advice cultivating authentic connections that are lasting because there is never pressure to “make the sale” when it isn’t right. We believe in partnerships with principles. With a view for the long haul. With intention. A collective success that applies to candidates, clients and all hires we influence. Our focus is on providing a good service from day one and sticking to what good recruitment is all about - listening, taking the time to discover what you're looking for as a company or candidate and not stopping until we find it. Let's face it, you want results and that is where we define our success. Whether you’re a recruiter, candidate or client, the only result that will ever matter to us is the outcome that resonates with everyone involved. Our recruitment sectors of expertise are: - Legal Recruitment - Accounting & Insolvency Recruitment - Environmental Sciences & Engineering Recruitment - Property Valuations Recruitment At a minimum our consultants have: • Bachelor of Business, HR, Laws or Psychology; • RCSA Membership Our Associates and Consultants are proud of their careers and recognised within the top 15% of the industry, having received numerous awards across current and previous positions including 'Top Biller', 'Advertiser of the Year', 'Most Inspirational', 'Client Manager of the Year' and 'Employee of the Year'.